Maria Ingram shared a post  
3 yrs

3 yrs

Wasn’t the extreme left just telling us there is no “ woman “ and everyone should get gender fluid, yet now the abortion card is the next thing to post that you stand with “ women who must quickly now be redefined again and women rights ( yet dead babies who have zero rights it appears “ issue is being overlooked, not to mention the massive profiteering sick industry that comes from ensuring babies can be even aborted and cut open while alive and body parts sold to the highest bidder .

I can’t wait to stand now with taking lethal injections disguised as a quackzinne to belong to the death cult herd to I drop dead, stand with murderous Nazis in Ukraine, killing Ukrainians for the last 7 years , and now apparently I must stand with the killing of innocent babies as “ women “ who recently didn’t exist as a gender are back and they should get to choose - mm we’ll choose when it’s a young fetus perhaps , not when it’s close to birth or even after birth , otherwise the Globalists elite can look and feel younger from killing full term babies born alive and treated as sub humans,and pocket billions - don’t forget whose daddy started planned parenthood- mmm something to think about . Babies lives matter you know.
