For those that say they stand with Ukraine ?? perhaps we should ask which part of Ukraine do they stand with ?
Do they stand with the Ukrainian Government and it’s military that was illegally installed by the US in 2014 by a coup, and started a war against Innocent Ukrainians by funding the neo Nazi Azov battalions, that have been slaughtering innocent Ukrainians in the east up until 4 months ago. When Russia stepped in to stop the Nazi’s raping, torturing and executing Ukrainians. The same Nazi’s Australia and Western Governments stand with, and send weapons so they can continue to kill Eastern Ukrainians?
I’m just curious who these people that stand for nothing, ( except murderous neo Nazis ) claim they stand with Ukraine ?? are ? Are they the same people that stand for racist slogans such as BLM, ( as all lives matter is somehow racist ) stand with the murder of babies by way of late term or full term abortion,( so babies body parts can be cut apart whilst alive and sold to the highest bidder) stand with my body my choice, accept everyone should accept vaccine mandates and have no choice what goes into their body, and stand by puppet Joe Biden, the mentally impaired moron, who poses as the Democratic Free leader of the world, yet can’t even ride a bicycle ? or string two sentences together,( so is clearly a puppet so who are the masters ? - meaning we live in a Oligarchy not a democracy) and stand with baseless conspiracy theories, pushed by mainstream media and the idiot box ,that Covid was a Global pandemic with zero scientific evidence to prove it?
The truth is uncomfortable for some, that’s why they stand for nothing accept who the Globalists tell them to.