Justin Ricobono
GOP LEADER AND VETERAN OFFICIAL ENDORSEMENT FOR David Dwyer: I served six years as an Army Specialist. I was elected to Beacon City Council at large. I was also running the local GOP organization. I have known David and his Twin brother Douglas Dwyer since we were kids. I even lived with David when he was employed at Morgan Stanley in NYC! We shared a railroad apartment in Sutton place which is an area in the 50s on the east side of Manhattan. We have all been friends since before high school! I heard he was running for Florida Congress. He didn’t even have to ask! He got his Executive MBA with a concentration in finance at 22. He’s loyal and a person that you just know loves his country! He’s a warrior! Just with a pen, not a gun. Not to say he isn’t a proud member of the NRA and an owner of let’s just say he has a collection! They are both avid free speech advocates! Douglas runs a network of freedom defenders! The two of them are quite a force! David Dwyer is the type of person that can change Democrats to Republicans! You have my full financial support and my full and absolute endorsement! Never met anyone with such respect for our military and other civil servants! Police, Fire dept, etc. If he goes into a political war he will have angels blessing him. He will never lose! David Dwyer’s real fight to keep the American dream alive for future generations. God bless you David Dwyer and these United States of America!