Living Independently: What is included in SIL funding?
Home and living options available under the NDIS help people with disabilities to live independently and build their skills. Supported Independent Living is one such funded support that focuses on providing assistance with personal care tasks, chores around the house and medication support. This is a support that is best suited for NDIS participants with 24/7 support needs who need help throughout the entire day. Through this support, the participants will gain the confidence to live on their own without compromising on the care and support that they receive.
The funding that you receive under Supported Independent Living will depend on the level of support that the participant requires to live independently. Once the participant chooses an SIL provider, they can work with the provider to develop a roster of care that will detail their support needs. Then the service provider will complete the roster of care submission using Provider SIL Pack. Once the NDIS approves your roster of care, you will receive the NDIS funding. The rent of your house, cost of groceries, utility bills, travel costs and vehicle costs and other day-to-day living costs are not covered under SIL. Only the supports directly related to your disability that are found reasonable and necessary by the NDIS can be funded under Supported Independent Living.
Registered NDIS service providers like Classy Life can provide customised personal care support around the clock in the home environment of your choice.
Supported Independent Living is best suited for participants who share their supports with other participants. It is always possible that the support needs of the participant may change over time. Then they can request the NDIS for a plan review. Contact us today and we can help you decide on a customised SIL plan that suits your needs.