RECAP What is Halloween? Is it Devil worship, or is it to ward off evil? I don’t know im asking? The bad EU are committed to taking all your cars off you if this green energy ****e continues!! We have to resist or we will all be riding push bikes!! Can you even ride a push bike? Serbian drug dealers in Spain! So Serbia is not in the EU so how did these guys get here? The EU wants Serbia to join even though the country has no money hence so many criminals !! Ryan Air strikes, don’t get caught out over Christmas with cancelled flights!! Not only do “they “ want to take your cars, air travel will alsop disappear because of climax change! Air travel will only be for the elites! Chem trails are REAL they are NOT con trails as dickheads think they are!! Modern planes don’t emit con trails!! Look on the fb site Costa Blanca Skies for 1000’s of photos locally!! “They “ admit they are spraying in the name of climax change!! The science community has stated "the time for geoengineering is now", while simultaneously denying that climate engineering has been ongoing for over 75 years with catastrophic results. Crop crushing drought / deluge scenarios are the hallmark of climate intervention operations, both are taking a terrible toll on food production all over the world. Is this just an unintended consequence of climate engineering? Or the actual objective? Will populations awaken to what is unfolding in time to turn the tide? Now go and scare someone!