Covid-19 is now becoming a curse word among the masses.
Nearly, 1.74 million people were infected and unfortunately 3.75 million died. It is evident that it originated in Wuhan city of Mainland China. Recently, the CIA reported that COVID 19 is a Chinese biological weapon. And CCP was well aware of it.
[reference: ]
These articles aim is to shed light on CCP’s Biological and Chemical weapon dream to rule the world.

Covid-19 is not a Natural one!!

Li-Meng Yan, the Chinese virologist who has been in hiding in the US after claiming that the Chinese authorities not only knew about the novel coronavirus long before the first cases were officially reported in Wuhan last December but who has also suggested Covid-19 was created in a Chinese military laboratory has published with her team of researchers a 26-page document laying out her theory that the pandemic sweeping the world is not of natural origin. In its summary, the report says that “the genome sequence of SARS-CoV-2 has likely undergone genetic engineering, "through which the virus has gained the ability to target humans with enhanced virulence and infectivity.”
The report also claims that the novel coronavirus has been adapted by already-identified naturally occurring coronaviruses in bats by the Chinese military. The research follows “three lines of evidence” that Dr. Yan and her team say demonstrate Covid-19 is a lab-based virus.
[reference: Li-Meng Yan report | Covid-19 "genetically engineered to target humans": Covid-19 "genetically engineered to target humans" - AS USA ].


Encourage the kids 5-18 of the neighbourhood to join a cadet group or scouts to help them to grow their skills and expand their knowledge. Help them to enrol and support their funding


These goals are to be accomplished in the following manner:

• Organize neighbourhoods in groups of 10 to 12 family units. Because of the variety and diverse talents of large numbers of people, the overall success of this plan should increase with the number of adjacent neighbourhoods involved.
• Meet and decide on a neighbourhood chairman. If you are able to organize a number of neighbourhoods, choose a leader over this larger area. Use natural boundaries such as voting districts boundaries where large numbers of people already know one another and work well together.
• Train as many people from the area neighbourhoods as possible in basic civil defense (sheltering, fallout meters, evacuation, etc.), CPR and first aid. Utilize instructors from your city or county Emergency Management / Civil Defense Dept., Red Cross, CERT, Community Education, or your own neighbourhoods. *All scouts seeking Eagle level have merit badges in emergency preparedness. Utilize these well-qualified individuals. Train a team in a 50-hour advanced first aid course. Choose individuals who have a natural interest and inclination towards first aid, but not professional medical personnel who would be required to work on a state level.
• Make a list of all heavy equipment and drivers that would be available to the neighbourhood in an emergency.
• Teach all members the proper line of authority in an emergency and how the neighbourhoods should relate to the state emergency management system.


1.04 Neighbourhood Emergency Plan:
During wide spread emergencies such as in cyclones, earthquakes, fires and floods, it is possible that state and federal assistance would be unavailable for the misplaced and injured for several days or even weeks. The goal of the neighbourhood emergency plan is for members, if necessary, to function independent from any government assistance, as they may be the problem.
This program encourages planning sessions and is designed to help people prepare and cope emotionally and physically with local disasters.
Each neighbourhood unit should meet the following requirements:
1. Rescue people whose lives are threatened.
2. Provide first aid.
3. Account for the condition and location of all members.
4. Provide emergency water, food, clothing, and housing.
5. Restore normal living conditions as quickly as possible.
6. Prevent or limit property damage.
7. Fortify social, emotional, and spiritual strength.
8. Be able to report to the next higher organization level the following information:
a. Your name, title, unit, and how you can be reached.
b. Description, location, and magnitude of the emergency.
c. Names of any injured, missing or dead, and contact information for their next of kin.
d. Exact location and extent of property damage.
e. Number of persons needed to provide assistance and specific tasks to be done.
f. Number of people who need skilled medical help.
g. Actions being taken to help those in distress.
h. Number of members available to provide assistance, including those with specific skills.
i. Assistance needed that is unavailable in the unit affected, including medicine, food, water, clothing, shelter, or fuel.


A Change of Attitude:
After completing an honest risk assessment, attitudes often change. There are mental exercises that help with this process. Preparation is a natural result of attitude change.
• Accept the possibility that disasters can and do occur on a regular basis.
• Worry can be a constructive tool. Role-play various disasters and plan what actions should be taken.
• Read real or fictional accounts of survival experiences.
• Exercise a hope for the future. Spiritual anchors provide the will to survive.
A great deal of time and money is put into preparations for natural and man-made disaster. These preparations will be lost if the plan is not worked and the equipment maintained.


The First Responder Community (FRC) is a charity the provides care and rehabilitation for frontline First Responders (Military, Firefighters, Paramedics, Rescuers and Law enforcement).