
This is exactly right!

Leanne B changed her profile picture
3 yrs


I grieve for the Australia ?? that once was, wherein EUROPEan Whiteness could thrive, uncontaminated by the spoils of ... I grieve for the loss of just such an Australia, a loss which was hastened by the enemies within who pretended, ever so skillfully, to be our friends. I grieve for the Australia ?? which favored sweetness over cynicism, innocence over debauchery, order over chaos, the Australia ?? whose greatness was inhaled and exhaled constantly by every breathing Australian. This Australia ?? lies within ME, beating its heartbeat in unison with my own and driving me towards a robust and indestructible unity with those

Leanne B changed her profile picture
3 yrs

3 yrs - Facebook

Worst company of the year 2021 named? ... Facebook, yup, you’ve guessed it right ???

HealthSolutionsCoach changed her profile picture
3 yrs

HealthSolutionsCoach changed her profile picture
3 yrs

Erika is feeling Blessed
3 yrs

Good evening Truthbookers ... it’s time to send Zuckerberg and his Meta Fakebook where it belongs. Hallelujah ??