‘A tightly organised, mafia-style, hierarchically structured crime syndicate has infiltrated every aspect of Australian government and society including the judiciary, churches, law enforcement, military, child protection, hospitals, educational facilities, childcare centres, and Parliament. The network has numerous branches and countless members who profit from various illegal activities including drugs, arms and child sex trafficking. It is a well-oiled clandestine machine fuelled by public ignorance and distraction.

Ritual Abuse, RA, Cult Abuse, Satanic Ritual Abuse, SRA constitutes one facet of the child trafficking machine...

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3 yrs




Dr. Peter McCullough ?

I would like to congratulate all pure bloods, for doing the right thing. Keep you heads up, stay strong and open your hearts to the truth. I would like to remind everyone that the power each and every human has is what will win this war, own your power and you will always be victorious, never give your power away, wear your power like amour and wield your power like a weapon, fight with chivalry, fight with honour, fight for your family, fight to the death, this war is worth fighting for, this war is worth dyeing for. I will will draw a line in the sand, I will defend this hill from our enemy, I will protect and serve my family

Dannielle Japp shared a post  
3 yrs

Dannielle Japp shared a post  
3 yrs

3 yrs

Dr. Tess Lawrie Speaks About Alternative Treatments and the Dangers of Gene Altering Vaxxines


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3 yrs

3 yrs

‘Pro-Choice’ WA Police Officer Wins Injunction Preventing Him From Being Sacked Over C0VID Jab

