Eric Vander woude changed his profile picture
3 yrs


We are going to have to show compassion and love to many many people
The gullible will remain dubbed down unless we can awaken them
Thankfully even those jabbed are questioning what this is all about..
Common sense and Critical thinking is needed.

Take care and say NO to all this
I believe this is a flu now that the magic virus is gone
Hopefully we are moving into a Huge Awakening
Come together in Higher plane
Unfortunately there are going to be a lot of casualties around the World
Only have to look at Sportspeople dying all over the World
God bless you All
With US and God by our side we are
God loves us All ???❤️❤️❤️

President Trump will be the 19th President of USA
He is and always has been Commander in Chief
See USA inc is a Corporation not the
United States of America
This has all been a Pantomine

DemoDc changed his profile cover
3 yrs


Last one
China owns the WHO and UN
China has been doing genetic coding and mind altering control to suppress the dissidents
Does this sound familiar
Our clotshots are genetic coding as well as death ?

DemoDc changed his profile picture
3 yrs


Now also on Tuesday
Banks had to meet Basel 3 standard now it is all under Quantum Financial System not Fiat currency anymore
So unless Banks must have enough Gold to meet level of paper currency in place if not there licences will be revoked.
This another way to take down the Corrupt Banks and Merchants

Mania Smith changed her profile picture
3 yrs


#novid #darktolight
