Eight Hundred and Eightieth Contact Saturday, 9th March 2024, 004 hrs

If the CO2 in the air we breathe is higher than normal, it cannot pass from the blood into the lungs in the required quantity, which means that the lungs cannot absorb enough oxygen. The problem in this case is therefore not a lack of oxygen, but too much carbon dioxide in the air we breathe. However, it is not the quantity that is decisive, but its origin, because the CO2 exhaled by human beings, which originates from their own metabolism, was already present in the biological cycle. Human beings, animals, creatures and all other life-forms of every genus and species absorb chemically bound carbon through their food, which they then exhale as carbon dioxide.

Achthundertachtzigster Kontakt Samstag, 9. März 2024, 00.04 h

Wenn CO2 in der Atemluft höher als normal ist, kann es aus dem Blut nicht in notwendiger Menge in die Lunge übertreten, wodurch diese nicht genügend Sauerstoff aufnehmen kann. Das Problem ist in diesem Fall also nicht mangelnder Sauerstoff, sondern ein Zuviel an Kohlenstoffdioxid in der Atemluft. Nicht die Menge ist jedoch entscheidend, sondern deren Herkunft, denn das vom Menschen ausgeatmete CO2, das aus dem eigenen Stoffwechsel stammt, war bereits im biologischen Kreislauf gegeben. Menschen, Tiere, Getier und alle anderen Lebensformen jeder Gattung und Art nehmen durch die Nahrung chemisch gebundenen Kohlenstoff auf, den sie wieder als Kohlendioxid ausatmen.

Date and time of contact: Saturday, 9th March 2024, 004 hrs
Translator(s): DeepL Translator
Date of original translation: Tuesday, 15th March 2024
Corrections and improvements made: Joseph Darmanin
Contact person(s): Ptaah


The Heralds of the sevenfold Nokodemion- Herald-line
Billy BEAM was all true Heralds from Nokodemion Line
Teaching of Truth, Teaching of the Energy of Creation, Teaching of Life
The 7 Heralds: Henoch (Enoch) → Elia (Elijah) → Jesaja (Isaiah) → Jeremia (Jeremiah) → Jmmanuel (Immanuel) → Muhammad (Mohammed) → Billy (BEAM)




Ban-Srut BEAM - Last Herald - Line of Nokodemion


Eight Hundred and Eightieth Contact Saturday, 9th March 2024, 004 hrs

Of course, human beings can live a climate-neutral life, but they have to realise that they cannot prevent their CO2 emissions, but would die if they did not. In order to make it easier for human beings and all living beings to exhale CO2, the blood flow in the brain is noticeably increased, but this can cause a reaction that disrupts it in diseases such as obesity, high blood pressure and diabetes. In order for an oxygen molecule to also dock correctly in the blood, the CO₂ moves out of its place. This means that oxygen can therefore enter and carbon dioxide can also leave, whereby this is breathed out of the body through the alveoli resp. alveoli, the smallest ramifications of the airways of the lungs, and also through the bronchi and lungs.

Achthundertachtzigster Kontakt Samstag, 9. März 2024, 00.04 h

Natürlich kann der Mensch klimaneutral leben, doch hat er sich darüber im Klaren zu sein, dass er seinen CO2-Atemausstoss nicht verhindern kann, sondern sterben würde, wenn dieser nicht stattfände. Um dem Menschen und allen Lebewesen das CO2-Ausatmen zu erleichtern, wird der Blutfluss im Gehirn merklich gesteigert, was jedoch eine Reaktion hervorrufen kann, dass dieser bei Erkrankungen wie Adipositas resp. Fettleibigkeit, Bluthochdruck und Diabetes gestört wird. Damit also ein Sauerstoffmolekül überhaupt im Blut auch richtig andocken kann, weicht das CO₂ von seinem Platz. Das besagt, dass folglich der Sauerstoff herein und somit auch das Kohlendioxid hinauskann, wobei dieses durch die Alveolen resp. Lungenbläschen, die kleinsten Verästelungen der Luftwege der Lunge, wie auch durch die Bronchien und Lunge wieder aus dem Körper herausgeatmet wird.

Date and time of contact: Saturday, 9th March 2024, 004 hrs
Translator(s): DeepL Translator
Date of original translation: Tuesday, 15th March 2024
Corrections and improvements made: Joseph Darmanin
Contact person(s): Ptaah


The Heralds of the sevenfold Nokodemion- Herald-line
Billy BEAM was all true Heralds from Nokodemion Line
Teaching of Truth, Teaching of the Energy of Creation, Teaching of Life
The 7 Heralds: Henoch (Enoch) → Elia (Elijah) → Jesaja (Isaiah) → Jeremia (Jeremiah) → Jmmanuel (Immanuel) → Muhammad (Mohammed) → Billy (BEAM)




Ban-Srut BEAM - Last Herald - Line of Nokodemion


Eight Hundred and Eightieth Contact Saturday, 9th March 2024, 004 hrs

If we now take a closer look at carbon dioxide resp. CO2, which is colourless and easily soluble in water, we can see that it is absolutely odourless and non-toxic, and that life on Earth would not be possible without it. If it were missing from the atmosphere, it would be so freezing cold on the planet that no life could exist. However, this would also be the case if there was no methane gas resp. CH4, but also no nitrous oxide resp. N2O, i.e. greenhouse gas. However, the sun's rays warm the Earth, whereby some of the heat generated rises from the ground and warms the atmosphere.

Achthundertachtzigster Kontakt Samstag, 9. März 2024, 00.04 h

Wenn nun das Kohlenstoffdioxid resp. das CO2, das farblos und gut im Wasser löslich ist, näher betrachtet wird, dann ist zu erklären, dass es absolut geruchlos und ungiftig ist, und zudem ohne dieses das Leben auf der Erde nicht möglich wäre. Wenn es in der Atmosphäre fehlen würde, dann wäre es derart eiskalt auf dem Planeten, dass kein Leben existieren könnte. Dies würde jedoch auch so sein, wenn es kein Methangas resp. CH4, wie aber auch kein Lachgas resp. N2O, also Treibhausgas gäbe. Die Sonnenstrahlen aber erwärmen die Erde, wobei ein Teil der entstehenden Wärme aus dem Boden hochsteigt und die Atmosphäre erwärmt.

Date and time of contact: Saturday, 9th March 2024, 004 hrs
Translator(s): DeepL Translator
Date of original translation: Tuesday, 15th March 2024
Corrections and improvements made: Joseph Darmanin
Contact person(s): Ptaah


The Heralds of the sevenfold Nokodemion- Herald-line
Billy BEAM was all true Heralds from Nokodemion Line
Teaching of Truth, Teaching of the Energy of Creation, Teaching of Life
The 7 Heralds: Henoch (Enoch) → Elia (Elijah) → Jesaja (Isaiah) → Jeremia (Jeremiah) → Jmmanuel (Immanuel) → Muhammad (Mohammed) → Billy (BEAM)




Ban-Srut BEAM - Last Herald - Line of Nokodemion


Eight Hundred and Eightieth Contact Saturday, 9th March 2024, 004 hrs

If only the entire humanity of 9.5 billion is measured, i.e. 9.5 billion times, then this results in an enormous mass of CO2, which has a destructive and sometimes even exterminating effect on all ecosystems and on all of nature with all of its fauna and flora. The fact that, in addition to carbon dioxide, greenhouse gases, methane and nitrous oxide are also released is not mentioned at all by the responsible and irresponsible scientists. What needs to be explained is that the important oxygen that human beings need to live – like all life-forms – is distributed throughout the body via the blood from the lungs, while this also transports carbon dioxide to the lungs as a waste product, from which it is removed by exhalation and expelled from the body as carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide or carbon dioxide resp. CO2 is a chemical compound of carbon and oxygen, whereby CO2 is a non-flammable, acidic and colourless gas. Among other things, it causes the blood vessels to dilate and indirectly increases the oxygen supply to the cells, which gives human beings better breathing endurance, for example, which means that they do not get out of breath so quickly, even during strenuous exercise, which is good for the body.

Achthundertachtzigster Kontakt Samstag, 9. März 2024, 00.04 h

Wenn nun nur allein die gesamte Menschheit von 9,5 Milliarden gemessen wird, also 9,5 Milliarden mal, dann ergibt sich eine ungeheure Masse von CO2, die zerstörend und teils gar ausrottend auf alle Ökosysteme und auf die gesamte Natur mit all ihrer gesamten Fauna und Flora einwirkt. Dass dabei nebst Kohlendioxid auch Treibhausgase, Methan und Lachgas freigesetzt werden, davon wird von den zuständigen und verantwortungslosen Wissenschaftlern überhaupt nichts gesagt. Zu erklären ist dabei nun noch, dass der wichtige Sauerstoff, den der Mensch zum Leben benötigt – wie alle Lebensformen überhaupt –, über das Blut von der Lunge aus im ganzen Körper verteilt wird, während dies auch das Kohlendioxid als Abfallprodukt zur Lunge befördert, wovon dieses durch das Ausatmen entfernt und als Kohlendioxid aus dem Körper ausgestossen wird. Beim Kohlenstoffdioxid oder Kohlendioxid resp. CO2 handelt es sich um eine chemische Verbindung aus Kohlenstoff und Sauerstoff, wobei CO2 ein nicht brennbares, saures und farbloses Gas ist. Dieses sorgt nebst anderem dafür, dass ein Weiten der Blutgefässe und eine indirekte höhere Sauerstoffversorgung der Zellen erfolgt, wodurch der Mensch z.B. zu einer besseren Atemausdauer gelangt, was bedeutet, dass er auch bei grösseren Anstrengungen nicht so schnell ausser Atem gerät, was ja für den Körper gut ist.

Date and time of contact: Saturday, 9th March 2024, 004 hrs
Translator(s): DeepL Translator
Date of original translation: Tuesday, 15th March 2024
Corrections and improvements made: Joseph Darmanin
Contact person(s): Ptaah


The Heralds of the sevenfold Nokodemion- Herald-line
Billy BEAM was all true Heralds from Nokodemion Line
Teaching of Truth, Teaching of the Energy of Creation, Teaching of Life
The 7 Heralds: Henoch (Enoch) → Elia (Elijah) → Jesaja (Isaiah) → Jeremia (Jeremiah) → Jmmanuel (Immanuel) → Muhammad (Mohammed) → Billy (BEAM)




Ban-Srut BEAM - Last Herald - Line of Nokodemion


Eight Hundred and Eightieth Contact Saturday, 9th March 2024, 004 hrs

The exhalation of human beings is probably part of the natural carbon cycle, but this pollutes and increases the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere, and all the more so the larger the mass of humanity becomes, which Earth's humanity calls overpopulation. Added to this are the sheer masses of animals for slaughter, slaughter animals and all other slaughter life forms that are bred to feed the masses of ever-growing Earth's humanity with meat. The CO2 exhalation of the mass of humanity and these life-forms bred for food, together with the other harmful toxic gases, is truly the cause of climate change and the destruction of ecosystems and nature, as well as the extinction of millions of genera and species of fauna and flora.

Achthundertachtzigster Kontakt Samstag, 9. März 2024, 00.04 h

Die Ausatmung des Menschen ist wohl Teil des natürlichen Kohlenstoffkreislaufs, doch dieser belastet und erhöht die CO2-Konzentration in der Atmosphäre, und zwar umso mehr, je grösser die Masse der Menschheit wird, die der Erdenmensch Überbevölkerung nennt. Hinzu kommen noch die schieren Massen der Schlachttiere, des Schlachtgetiers und aller anderen Schlachtlebensformen, die herangezüchtet werden, um die Masse der stetig weiterwachsenden Erdenmenschheit mit Fleisch zu ernähren. Das CO2-Ausatmen der Masse Menschheit und dieser als Nahrungsmittel herangezüchteten Lebensformen, zusammen mit den anderen schädlichen Giftgasen, ist wahrheitlich der Grund für den Klimawandel und die Zerstörung der Ökosysteme und der Natur, wie auch der Ausrottung von Millionen von Gattungen und Arten der Fauna und Flora.

Date and time of contact: Saturday, 9th March 2024, 004 hrs
Translator(s): DeepL Translator
Date of original translation: Tuesday, 15th March 2024
Corrections and improvements made: Joseph Darmanin
Contact person(s): Ptaah


The Heralds of the sevenfold Nokodemion- Herald-line
Billy BEAM was all true Heralds from Nokodemion Line
Teaching of Truth, Teaching of the Energy of Creation, Teaching of Life
The 7 Heralds: Henoch (Enoch) → Elia (Elijah) → Jesaja (Isaiah) → Jeremia (Jeremiah) → Jmmanuel (Immanuel) → Muhammad (Mohammed) → Billy (BEAM)




Ban-Srut BEAM - Last Herald - Line of Nokodemion


Eight Hundred and Eightieth Contact Saturday, 9th March 2024, 004 hrs

In this respect, Earth's humanity is unfortunately lacking in education, as a result of which its linguistic adequacy is also extremely poor. But we are deviating from the topic we are talking about. So it should be mentioned that everything is like this, although those irresponsible scientists who deal with CO2 are mendaciously lying to humanity with false information, thereby making themselves complicit in all the damage, destruction and extinction of the entire ecosystem, nature and its fauna and flora. And this is to be called criminal, also when neither the necessary insight, knowledge nor the necessary apparatus are available and the assumptions are only based on presumptions, because when an assumption is spread, it corresponds to a presumption that is falsely considered to be the truth, but this corresponds to a lie and a fraud.

Achthundertachtzigster Kontakt Samstag, 9. März 2024, 00.04 h

Diesbezüglich fehlt es leider an der Bildung des Erdenmenschen, folgedem auch seine sprachliche Zulänglichkeit äusserst mangelhaft zu nennen ist. Doch wir weichen von dem Thema ab, von dem grundsätzlich die Rede ist. So ist zu erwähnen, dass alles derart ist, obwohl jene der verantwortungslosen Wissenschaftler, die sich mit der Sparte des CO2 beschäftigen, lügnerisch die Menschheit mit falschen Informationen belügen und sich dadurch mitschuldig an aller Beeinträchtigung, Zerstörung und Ausrottung der gesamten Ökosysteme, der Natur und deren Fauna und Flora machen. Und das ist verbrecherisch zu nennen, und zwar auch dann, wenn weder die erforderliche Erkenntnis, das Wissen noch die notwendigen apparaturellen Notwendigkeiten gegeben sind und die Annahmen nur auf Vermutungen beruhen, denn wenn eine Annahme verbreitet wird, dann entspricht diese einer Vermutung, die jedoch fälschlich als Wahrheit gilt, was aber einer Lüge und einem Betrug entspricht.

Date and time of contact: Saturday, 9th March 2024, 004 hrs
Translator(s): DeepL Translator
Date of original translation: Tuesday, 15th March 2024
Corrections and improvements made: Joseph Darmanin
Contact person(s): Ptaah


The Heralds of the sevenfold Nokodemion- Herald-line
Billy BEAM was all true Heralds from Nokodemion Line
Teaching of Truth, Teaching of the Energy of Creation, Teaching of Life
The 7 Heralds: Henoch (Enoch) → Elia (Elijah) → Jesaja (Isaiah) → Jeremia (Jeremiah) → Jmmanuel (Immanuel) → Muhammad (Mohammed) → Billy (BEAM)




Ban-Srut BEAM - Last Herald - Line of Nokodemion





"For those who cannot imagine what it's like to be vxd and living with that once the evidence is available .......l can answer you, it's a day to day grieving and cellular remorse......many of us were just living our daily lives without any idea of WEF, UN, WHO, and DEW was what was on the grass in the mornings.....Movies showed scenes of satanic practices and we had no idea about blood drinking celebrities ?
We trusted our drs - (l had mine for over 25yrs) we knew our government lied at election times and we voted the best we could based on the bs presented to us, we went about our lives innocently working, raising kids and babysitting grandkids and many had not one person in our circles to warn us of the dangers - we didn'teven know we had to do " research" ??♀️......unbelievable as that may seem, it's absolutely true - and that shocks others.....so off we went and had the shots.
Now......us "sheeples" are we are all referred to, are dying in our millions, some suddenly, some are destined to slow malingering pain filled deaths....but we are dying, and ironically, we are the evidence, the proof you will all use later.
Some - l wish l knew the percentages - argued with others who knew the dangers and words and actions hurt both sides......and that is the greatest weapon of the psy op....it's actually greater than the vx itself.
There is a level of toxic hatred and gloating online that condemns the vxd to silence in regards to seeking help....l see it in the forums..... how they are abused by total strangers......so we stay silent and die alone and unforgiven for our naivety and fear.
But back to the point in question.
IT IS HELL.....living with the knowledge that l took 3 of them, that my wonderful, kind hardworking husband took 4, that our children and grandchildren had them.....it haunts me, it breaks my soul, it has destroyed me......simply because we were naive.
My husband and l were already done when a cousin contacted me through messenger after seeing a post about my rapid decline in health and asked me questions.....l then spoke to my sons but it was too late, they had been done already.
It's reading endless detox protocols and wondering IF they truly work or IF they too are part of the bs, because how would we ever know as there is no longterm proof ??♀️
It's endless medical tests that come back " normal" and you just know and feel the changes in your body, it's seeing the videos of the calamari clots and reading about graphene microblades slicing up veins, and spikes adhering like velcro to tissues and organs.......it's the breathlessness and palpitations on slightest exertion that drs can't explain.....it's the " knowing" that it was for nothing though we believed it was for the best of intentions.
It's this tattoo on my arm of the vx batch numbers that l use to open conversations and share my adverse reactions with every dr, specialist and pathology, radiologist and ambulance paramedic l meet.
It's knowing that any second.......any second.....could be IT.....the last one l breathe before l die.
It's grief... deep empty gut wrenching grief for all my family and friends, all those l love and care for.
It's loss.....the loss of my future dreams and plans, the loss of my husband and family......it's the pain felt by the name calling and ongoing online abuse.
l may be a sheeple to some.....and cop endless abuse online for speaking up with my truth.....but that will not stop me.
Not every vxd person acted like an Ahole when approached by someone who cared enough to take that risk.
Yet we have ALL been tarred with that one brush......and it's there that humanity devolved even further......and they did not have to do a thing except sit back and watch us fall apart" - Poster wishes to remain anonymous.

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✌State of Georgia vs Trump et al - McAfee Certificate Review - Original DocumentState of Georgia vs Trump et al - McAfee Certificate Review - Original Document✌
