Delta and Omi have been getting jiggy with it. Deltacron is here peeps. Apparently scientists are scratching their heads over this one and are still deciding how much fear to inject into us. #fearmongeringpropaganda

Delta and Omi have been getting jiggy with it. Deltacron is here peeps. Apparently scientists are scratching their heads over this one and are still deciding how much fear to inject into us. #fearmongeringpropaganda
We have a fun filled week ahead. And guess what? The darlings at liquor licensing no longer feel we are fit and proper enough to hold a liquor licence because we chose not to segregate. Here's another fun fact. Our unjabbed mates have been visiting local bars and not had to show any little ticks. What's good for the goose... #governmenthypocrisy
For those following the daily government propaganda pages, I've just tweaked a few things. They really should start paying me for my services! #fearmongeringpropaganda
Over the last few months, since these bull**** mandates have been in place requiring businesses to discriminate against people based on their personal medical information, we have seen and heard nothing but misery. It’s been no secret what our stance is, because we don’t buy into the government’s ‘health’ propaganda which continues to be debunked by ungagged scientists and medical experts around the world. In this time, we have been vilified, demonised, accused of irresponsible behaviour, the recipients of the most vile personal messages and used as the poster child by authorities, as a warning to other businesses. Even those in our local business community have lashed out and publicly berated us for not following the rules like good little citizens and wishing our demise. Bankruptcy and jail their favourite end result for us. Throughout all this, many businesses are struggling, because funnily enough, lots of people aren’t into segregation. Another fun fact, many businesses aren’t even checking people’s coveted little green ticks, because they can’t be arsed. So dear fellow small businesses, use us as your virtue signalling punching bag all you like, but just know, we may be suffering financially through all this, but we can sleep at night knowing we stuck by our convictions no matter what the outcome.
Along with referee whistles, shoveling snow, puffing on a spliff and high electricity bills now causing heart attacks, media of footage of Mr Prime Minister visiting flood devastated areas may have resulted in the same. Thanks for keeping us safe PM. #whataloadof****
A pro choice bar in downtown Toowoomba Qld.
Unpretentious, comfortable and just like being at the 70's. With all your dogs. The simple things in life...
Zero tolerance for discrimination!
Gary Wakely
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