I swear I think Mitch was a turtle in a past life, he has turtle facial features
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Anda telah mencolek Americanguy1992
Anggota baru berhasil ditambahkan ke daftar keluarga Anda!
Komentar berhasil dilaporkan.
Pos berhasil ditambahkan ke linimasa Anda!
Anda telah mencapai batas 15000 teman!
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Video Anda sedang diproses, Kami akan memberi tahu Anda jika sudah siap untuk dilihat.
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Untuk mengunggah file gambar, video, dan audio, Anda harus meningkatkan ke anggota pro. Upgrade ke yang lebih baik
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Soli Goodes
Imagine if all the people who have turned up to Canberra or any freedom rally across all the sovereign nations of Terra Australias. All agreed to stop paying the criminal corporations trading unlawfully here. Debt slavery and tax slavery are both crimes against humanity of the highest order.
We cannot continue to pay the pedo death cult in good conscience
Please keep planting the seed ?of our HousingAmnesty 4 humanity ???????
Especially for those most effected by the current evil. Fires, floods, the already homeless, those who have lost jobs, businesses and income as a result of the corporate banksters slave system fraud
#TruthSetsUsFree #FreeHumanity ???☀️?????????
We are the co-creators here
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