this was taken down on FB twice, why? and what is it they are afraid of, ... my post is real. the science is real. I've worked hard on this, for the post it is brief, i have a lot more info, I've studied c19 for over 2 yrs, since 1/2020. what is it about this post that FB when POOF GONE, within literally less that a minute... ? lol read it and you will see why. how dare the public be aware. oh well, the science, data, info and research is there and will continue. they can only stop this for so long. F facebook, ... they forget there are other GREAT platforms to inform and educate people and encourage them to go study up and learn. screw FB. sadly, this info is were it needs to be more so - people are so dumb on FB, it's unreal. smh

Jacqui McCarron
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