Okay while we have this huge distraction going on. "LOOK OVER HERE!"
I suspect a lot of dirty deeds will be done, if you look the other way. Namely QR coding, they are sneeking in via the back door. Pops up on presriptions now and even post office receipts. Kids at schools are required to code into and out of class.
Who knows where next? I know! Rego renewals, licence and just about any gov interaction will require a qr code. That's the start, then you will all be issued with your own personal qr code which you will be required to use on every transaction. Then with the latest out of England requireing new money to be printed what a perfect time to go cashless.
The jigsaw puzzle is coming together. Once qr coding is the norm and they remove cash it is a very short step to microchipping. And that gives the goverment total control of the people.
Only one answer rEVOLution
Bren Edge

Lochie Smith
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