Shout Out to all my Sovereign Aussies you are wonderful ❤

Shout Out to all my Sovereign Aussies you are wonderful ❤
They couldn’t go to the pool, so the people met and swam in the ocean and lakes, and built saunas together.
They couldn’t go to restaurants so the people had dinner parties and potlucks.
They couldn’t go to clubs so the people had epic dance parties.
They couldn’t go to the gym so the people ran up mountains, lifted rocks, chopped firewood, trained in each others’ garages.
They couldn’t go to grocery stores so they gathered Wild Herbs and farmed.
They couldn’t go to sports events so they created their own.
They were told they couldn’t travel but found ways.
They lost their jobs so they created and found new ones that were more aligned with their values.
They lost friends and family but found newer, greater true connections-and built community.
Everything that’s happening is totally insane, and inhumane.
But they never felt oppressed.
In fact, freer than ever.
What we build now is the future.
I wouldn’t miss this era for anything.
The Sovereign awaken.
-author unknown
After 2 years of knowing nobody with Covid personally I now know lots.. The same common denominator, they all got jabbed ?☢ ??
Some of them were awake but fell back to sleep ? they actually believe they have Covid even though they know about everything and have been deep down the ? ?
It's so hard to watch this happen especially as we are just about to be liberated on so many levels...
It's a very sad thing also to watch parents hand over the souls of their 5-11 year old kids, many will be mamed and many will die, those who survive will be lucky to even have children of their own some day.
I am praying for the children