People talk about the science and that they believe the “science” but they choose to stick their heads in the sand when science doesn’t agree with what they are trying to push. On behalf of the stupid government, we just had a study where they only allowed “vaccinated” people into the country, only allowed “vaccinated” people to cross into other states and only allowed “vaccinated” people into certain settings, which they stated were too risky for “the unvaccinated”. The study proved that the so called “vaccinated” spread it everywhere! The study was a failure in what they tried to achieve and that was to prevent the spread of COVID. What occurred was mass superspreading of the “vaccinated” where we now have over 100,000 new cases a day, mostly and vastly thanks to all the people who supposedly “did the right thing”. It could be still stated that “vaccinated” people might get less severe symptoms, although current advice curtesy of the NSW government states that 99.99% of people infected will only get mild symptoms and only 0.01% might need hospitalisation but to keep the lie going that if you get “vaccinated” you are protecting the community is a down right lie and has not occurred. Thanks for the study Governments, you managed to prove how wrong to were and how incompetent you are.
bernard austin
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