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Australia Arise
@AustraliaArise • 101 people like this

It is time to become Lions!

Here we go guys, the first video of Timothy Mitchell's from Australia Arise is up now. Our first Lion Training session is on a very controversial topic....... When is Jesus coming and are we going with him????
Click on the link and join the group to check this message out. It is important and a needed now message.


****Hi Everyone our new group is up Australia Arise LION TRAINING. Here is the Telegram link for the page. The video's are to big to post here.
Here is the description of what you are going to find there.****

Every new Christian and even old Christians need discipleship and teaching. This Lion Training group by Australia Arise has been setup for the purpose of giving simple, Bible based and easy to use teaching to help you to live the life of a Christian in an increasingly confusing world. The gospel or good news of Jesus is simple and living the life of a Christian is also simple. Come and train to be Lions, active Christians who are salt to your world and bright lights of God in a dark world!

Special Announcement Warrior's.
Lion Training is about to state. WHOOO HOO. Do you remember our opening tile video. Just a little reminder to get you excited. We are about to launch a new a Public Group called Australia Arise LION TRAINING. It show be up later tonight with our first Session for you guys.
Tim recorded it yesterday. A very hot topic to kick this off.

Hey lovely people, tonight we did a LIVE on our FB Arise and Pray group. A Post Election catch up. It's time to be real and Buckle Up!. You can find this session on our Telegram Channel


Australia Arise is a ministry dedicated to equipping the remnant in Australia to be spiritual warriors, pushing back the spiritual forces of darkness and doing the great commission.