Australia stands up and says no to forced medical mandates #australia #antimandate #f(_)ckyourjab

Australia stands up and says no to forced medical mandates #australia #antimandate #f(_)ckyourjab
ANR Chief Editor, Jamie McIntyre’s speech delivered to over 500,000 at the Canberra Protest Rally
was just watching a live feed from the Canberra rally ..
this goof posted " i hope you all die of dehydration blah blah blah".
i know this individual is probably scared and confused bout the current world crisis ..
but hate speech is not needed or warranted when people are only trying to fight for everyone's GOD GIVEN freedoms ..
i hope the posts author reports this hateful person and they receives the fakebook justice their obviously looking for typing childish garbage ..
advanced scaffy ..
i live for the simple things . Wife , Children, Friends
We must end all mandates !!