Adelita Kassia Rose, 2022.
'Where Art Thou, Where Art Thee?'
Where have all the cowboys gone;
did Netfl---s take them away?
Were they cancelled along with the classics,
library-catalogued under "yesterday"?
Where have all the leaders gone;
ones motivated by truth and by love?
They've been bought off, "my interest rate's doubled";
golden calf over good Lord above.
Where now has my family gone
- and are they even 'there'?
Spliced my media borders, job losses, and perks
deemed '(un)just', '(ir)rational', and '(un)fair'.
Some ponder now, "where has God gone?
This is not His time to rest!" But he gave
us free will - capacity to choose love
and this, perhaps, is our test.
Is it right to look outside at this time,
to expect to be SAVED by one, brave?
What I sense in my heart? It's imperative now,
to grow faith, hope and love, and BE brave.