447,447 new voters in a year.

Some of these will be newly eligible because of age, but the vast majority are “new Australians” – and most of those are non-white.

We demand a chance to vote No at a referendum on immigration, before millions of new voters swamp our country and outnumber us at the polls.

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WTF is Cate Blanchett?

Cate Blanchett tells EU to ‘disregard Australia’s failed’ asylum seeker policies

Actress Cate Blanchett has given advice to European Union leaders telling them to “disregard Australia’s failed and discredited” asylum seeker policies, says Sky News host James Macpherson.

Ms Blanchett expressed her shame for Australia’s immigration policies that led to physical and mental torment.

“She’s also the United Nations special ambassador for refugees,” Mr Macpherson said.

“She is deeply ashamed and regrets those policies because they caused enormous psychological harm,” Mr Macpherson said.

“Personally, I thought that was her performance in Indiana Jones four.”

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In between the ABC’s articles about how they hate White people and White culture, they bring in testimonies such as these to blur the lines with regards to immigration.

A so-called “fish out of water” story about mud poor immigrant’s struggle to come to Australia, all a bunch of nonsense designed to divert your attention from immigrants that have attacked White Australians in recent days and recent years.

Already there are calls to deport migrants who hate Israel, but why not do the same for Australia.

People have had enough! In the middle of a housing crisis and cost of living strains, the last thing we need is a story of how great it was for an African to come here as part of demographic warfare against Australians.

If we can say no to the Voice, we can say no to immigration!

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Did you know: Nearly 45% of people living in Sydney and Melbourne were born overseas?

And not a single party campaigned on bringing in millions of people, they just simply did it.

Spread the word. It’s time to hit pause on immigration.

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????The UN, WEF, politicians and bureaucrats are intending to protect and normalise these people in society, that is pedophiles or Minor Attracted People (MAP)!

The Pedophile Information Exchange (PIE) was a British-based pro-pedophile activist group, founded in 1974. The group campaigned for the age of consent to be lowered to the age of four or to make it non existent, while receiving significant funding from the British Home Office and was affiliated with the National Council for Civil Liberties. Although since disbanded, they have been lobbying ever since.

Pedophilia is considered psychiatric disorder, still a crime in which an adult or older adolescent experiences a primary or exclusive sexual attraction to prepubescent children. These individuals have successfully infiltrated the UN and attached themselves to the LGBTQIA+ infinite movement to legitimise their unnatural sexual urges and predisposition!

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