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Regarding Acceptance of our strange present world situation

Here on 3D Planet Earth what we once considered normal life has been taken from us. It's been scary and painful. It has been easy to get caught up in all the top down control we've been faced with, and easy to to set aside our deepest spiritual beliefs in all the turmoil. Sometimes we have to sorta stop, reflect and regroup all of the aspects of Self. Easy to get scattered when everything changes, especially to the extent is has over the past two years. So I was thinking about this this morning and the first thing that came to mind were the Three Universal Truths, so I thought to put them here.

1. Nothing is lost in the universe
2. Everything Changes
3. The Law of Cause and Effect

Good reminder of what's real and true, which is really refreshing in our current circumstances. Get's hard to believe anything these days, governments lie, media lies, politicians lie, science lies. Makes it easy to forget truth doesn't it? So what's the answer?

Acceptance. NOT compliance, that's something totally different. Compliance is obedience, and haven't the globalists done an amazing job of getting compliance from much of Earth's human population? Acceptance is different, it's more like having a core belief system. Doesn't actually matter a whole lot what that system may be, it's mainly about handing your power over to your Higher Self. The Higher Self is what we are born with, our souls, perhaps. Higher Self understands this journey of human life on 3D Planet Earth is something we DO. Not something we ARE. Newborns remember that, and it is said that young children do before experience of this reality overtakes that awareness. Guess you could say at a certain point in early life the veil drops down, and we totally forget.

The Higher Self doesn't forget though. Higher Self is a soul connection with Creator that never ends. Higher Self remembers Truth. HS remembers who we are and what we truly doing here. Reminds us that there is one supreme power who put this whole business together in the first place. Doesn't matter how anyone addresses that supreme power, God, Allah, Jesus, or Buddha. For me it's simply Creator. I like using Creator because it isn't personalized, or made into a representation we can recognize from here. Because we can't. God, Allah and the rest are something different. Human form messengers. Fully realized humans choosing to come back to act as guides. Probably because a bumbling humanity on a 3D duality planet needed some reminding. Creator is infinite perfection. I tend to think that the ultimate soul blueprint we each hold inside was supposed to Remember why we are here. That was the Plan. So far it hasn't worked out real well. This is where Acceptance comes in. Acceptance isn't resignation either. In my opinion resignation is simply another aspect of compliance/obedience.

I guess, simply boiled down, Acceptance is a kind of faith. A faith that what we truly are is aspects (like avatars) of Creator experiencing various forms of Being in this Universe. When we finish these lifetimes I think we make choices whether or not we want to do 3D Earth again, or move along to some other adventure. Dunno about anyone else, but I sure don't want to come back to 3D Earth. Back around 2012 there was talk of a new, higher dimensional Earth out there. Maybe I could give that some consideration, but hey, Universe is a big place with lots of choices.

Here's another little reminder most of us forget. We CAME here for this. We CHOSE this. No accidents in Universe.
