?? Post from Yuliana Glew, clarifying the fact, not only for the born Australians but equally for those NOT born in Australia who are Australian “citizens” or only residing here on various visas, once the lawful Oath would be taken under the 1900 Constitution, them all become NATURALISED which means fully compliant to the 1900 Constitution and the only thing which matters.


There is no such thing as an ‘Australian Citizen’.

Read your Constitution section 51 on Emigration and Immigration.

You are born into the British Empire as a subject of the Monarch and you become a Citizen of the Empire.

You reside in Australia and as such you are a Citizen of and part of the Commonwealth of Australia.

An Australian Citizen is a product of the Australian Government a Company Registered in Delaware, America.

As such you are not a Lawful Citizen of the Commonwealth.

When you come from a country outside of a Commonwealth Country (British Empire) you are #naturalised into the Commonwealth as a British Subject and become a Citizen of the Commonwealth.

That is the Lawful Citizen of the Commonwealth and Our Commonwealth of Australia.

Five years after becoming #naturalised you can sit in Parliament.

When you #emigrate you come from another part of the Empire and bring your Citizenship with you.

After Five years you can sit in Our Parliament.

To sit in Our Parliament You Must Take the Oath or affirmation contained in Our Constitution.

You can not sit in Our Parliament if you swear any other oath at all - No Exceptions - No Oath or Affirmation - No Seat at all.

Anything else is #treason - #noexceptions.

There was much debate in relation to this issue by the framers of the constitution prior to the draft copy being sent to England.

It was decided that No Parliament in this country could pass a law in relation to Citizenship.

The 1973 Citizenship Act is a #fraud and by the #unlawful so called government making it retrospective back to 1948 wiped it out totally as Retrospective Legislature is #unconstitutional and #invalid.

If one takes the Lawful Oath under the 1900 Constitution, one becomes naturalised.
When one takes the oath contained in the constitution, one becomes naturalised as the subject of the Monarch, which complete process according to the constitution.

In 1973 Gough Whitlam change the Immigration Act and back dated it to 1948.
As citizenship and not Naturalisation. This act then falls on it self as a #fraud
Being that you can't back date the legislation nor can you change the constitution
From Naturalisation to CITIZENSHIP. Then the Act become a total #fraud.

The so called government should put on here what slimey questions they asked the High Court to get them to rule in their favour.

It matters not as the Constitution wipes out the decisions of any court when the decision contravenes Our Constitution.

Its Time You Voted in #independents and get rid of the Bunch of #traitors that call themselves our government when They Clearly are NOT.

Ref to all of the above is found in Chapter 2, 3, 4 and 5 of the Annotated Constitution, Quick and Garran.

Its time to boot out the #deceivers, #liars, #thieves and #cheats, oh look most of them were or are #lawyyers.