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3 yrs

3 yrs

ANR Founder says - we support Ukraine and Ukrainians, by supporting Russia to liberate them from the “ continued occupation and slaughtering of innocent Ukrainians and Russians living in Ukraine by neo Nazis backed by NATO and the Us “ let’s not forget the Us State Department working with evil Globalists George Soros did a coup back in 2014 to over throw a Democratically elected President to install a dodgy puppet and have occupied Ukraine ever since, to loot it and making it one of the most corrupt countries on the planet .

The west and its people need to come out of their slumber and stop supporting the evil Globalists who do not export democracy, but export terror, debauchery and destruction of cultures and society . Name one country the West and Us has exported “ so called democracy - Verse slaughter of innocents and terrorism - Iraq ? Where are those weapons of mass destruction again? Libya ? Afghanistan? Syria ??? They would have slaughtered how many and destroyed it if Russia didn’t step in and defend its democracy.
I put up a $1 million challenge for anyone who can come on my show and put up the same ,and convince my followers we should support the neo Nazis like Western Governments including Australia are ? Verse Russia who are in the right in this case. The west only gets support from the dumbest of the dumb in our societies - that’s why they dumb it’s citizens down - how many Australians aren’t smart enough to see through the anti Putin and anti Russian propaganda- why are they so scared of Russia - Russia needs our support now for showing courage to draw the line and say enough is enough of this evil - it must be stopped before it’s to late , and those who support democracy and the truth need to support him and Putin now - it’s not being pro Russia or Pro Putin - it’s being pro truth and anti bull**** in this case . They have every right to defend their borders and to stop the slaughter of innocents in their neighbouring country from the dodgy scum bag Globalists our leaders fund and support and demand we believe there lying false narrative - we as United citizens globally must now take a stand and call out the real enemies in the world - - independent news not paid to lie to you like mainstream media is .