Do not take or let the hospital give anyone you know Remdesivir
Seeking help and donations for funeral costs and legal action. See details below:
My father just passed away on Sunday 16th January, at Royal Adelaide Hospital in ICU. He was being treated for Covid-19, however it suddenly went terribly bad.
My father was 78 years old, however he was strong and fit and he was the head of the family. He was still walking regularly, catching busses, and going to places like the central markets in the city in Adelaide on his own. He loved his family, was full of life, and he loved God. He suddenly fell ill with a flu virus, which later was tested as being Covid-19. He was sick for about a week, and was taking extra vitamins, and home medications to help his symptoms as recommended by his doctor. Then over 2 days he noticed his breathing became a little affected. He wanted to go to hospital so he could get checked out, so he did. This was early Wednesday morning.
The Doctor called me later that morning to discuss his condition, and asked for consent to give him the new “Covid-Pill” medication. I asked to speak to my father over the phone, so that I could check with him for his consent, however the doctor wouldn’t allow me to speak to him. This was so troubling to me, so I had no choice, but to consent. The Dr said that he is in good hands, and he is Ok so far.
The next day about 4am Thursday, the doctor phoned, they wanted to put him on a ventilator, to help his oxygen levels along, and they wanted to give him remdesivir as an anti-viral. They asked for my consent over the phone to treat my father, but I did not want to give consent for remdesivir. I told them that I knew of remdesivir, and that there were reports and studies that it was stopped from being used overseas as it had damaged people’s kidneys (renal failure) and other organs, and also resulted in deaths. Even the WHO and CDC have reports on their websites recommending against it’s use. The doctor said this was the only anti-viral treatment he could give in Australia, that it was TGA approved, and safe, and he said the only side effects were nausea and some diarrhoea. We asked if he could have Vit D, zinc, and a vitamin C infusion, as this has shown good results for treating Covid. He said they normally don’t do that, but he said he would do it as we had asked. We asked if he could have a different anti-viral instead of remdesivir, like ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine, which had been very successful in other countries, but he said he could only give medication that was under the Australian National guidelines for treating Covid-19, and nothing else that he might suggest from using his own medical judgement. If he had influenza or pneumonia, the doctor could use his judgement and treat him accordingly. We felt helpless. They gave him the remdesivir.
The doctor called me on Friday morning, and said he was getting worse, and I said that it doesn’t make any sense at all when he was fine yesterday, and now he is not Ok…? They told me that he now had kidney and heart failure, and sepsis, and that his whole body was shutting down. They said he had multiple organ failure. We were devastated. They said his heart rate was dropping... We couldn’t believe our ears.
On Sunday afternoon, I called the hospital to speak to the registrar Dr and asked him if I could come inside and hold my father’s hand, as when I came to see him on Friday, I was only allowed to stand behind a glass window, metres away from him. The Dr said that he won’t allow me to do that due to hospital rules, and he is sorry about it. He said that when I leave, I might endanger all staff and other patients in the room by transmitting covid. I said that I could wear complete PPE just like the nurse when she went inside to look after my father…. and why are you worried when everyone here at the hospital is already vaccinated? The Dr admitted that even though I could wear complete PPE, and whether I was fully-vaccinated or had natural immunity to Covid-19, he wouldn’t allow me to come in and hold my father’s hand, to talk to him, or to pray for him. So I said, “what is the point of the government promoting for people to be vaccinated, when people cannot even hold their loved ones hand, even if they wear complete PPE? It doesn’t make any sense”. I didn't get to hold his hand, touch his arm, or look into his face and pray for him.. He died that night at 8:45pm.
I hope the system can be changed for a better place, and especially with the Australian National guidelines for treating Covid-19 – as the way it is, it is not right. A doctor should be able to use their own judgement for how to treat their patients and to save lives, but instead they can only follow the Australian national guidelines. Yet other countries have different guidelines… We lost our father…, he was a treasure to us.
We had a touching funeral, remembering his life and the man that he was. He stood for freedom, in fighting for the independence of his home country, the Maluku Islands. Which are still being ruled by Indonesia, since 1950. He fled from his home islands during the Holy War in 2000, as a “boat person” with me, his 18 year old son and 52 others. He was the Captain of the boat that travelled across the Pacific Ocean in 5 days, landing in Darwin on 16th January 2000. 22 years exactly to the day, that he died...
This is the Guardian News story about my father
My family needs help with the costs of the funeral, as this is something that we can’t do alone, it is just too much. We ask for your help please, if you can donate $10 or $100, anything will help us, as I am the only working member of the family of 4 now. This is the link of my father's funeral services
This is my bank details if you are able to donate to help out
Paul Bastian Souisa
BSB: 065124 Account number: 10141390
Or you can go through this link
We also want to investigate and put forward a legal investigation to the Royal Adelaide Hospital Board, for the conduct and decisions that were made in treating my father. This medication has been banned in numerous countries worldwide, and it's use has been advised against by the WHO, yet it is still being used here in Australia....
We can no longer get our father back, and this crushes our hearts, but we want to make a change for other people out there, to prevent this suffering for others.
Please do share this story, as it is your story now. Thank you for your time, and God bless.