O F F I C I A L N E W S L E T T E R # 2 - Late Summer 2023 FIGU Studiengruppe USA

The teaching of life says the universal all is
creative consciousness energy. IT is oneness. by E.W.

The Song Of Pikkolo - Relegeon - Das Lied von Pikkolo.

9. It has been given since time immemorial there is a universal teaching which is not known to many but it is known to you.
10. And I saw therein a disk shaped flying silver luminous craft of metal and I was taken up with this invisible energy and entered this disk.
11. Upon entrance I saw what looked like window viewing screens and as I looked upon the magnificence of the technology within the craft, the voice spoke to me.
12. That which is given to earth man is an evil injustice from various fore fathers from afar which wished to dominate and keep the earth man in subjugation.
13. And this binding back redirects the powers to outside sources which do not exist as a true power but as a hazy imagination which takes away the knowledge of the true powers of consciousness.
14. For this reality is based in causal foreordination, this which states for everything there is a beginning, a cause and for the cause an effect.
15. Which is in association produced in timed intervals calculated by how tremendous the force is behind it, determining the how fast it drawn out the effects are in association with other casual conditions.

The Heralds of the sevenfold Nokodemion- Herald-line
Billy BEAM was all true Heralds from Nokodemion Line
The 7 Heralds: Henoch (Enoch) → Elia (Elijah) → Jesaja (Isaiah) → Jeremia (Jeremiah) → Jmmanuel (Immanuel) → Muhammad (Mohammed) → Billy (BEAM)




"Billy' Eduard Albert Meier/BEAM" Last Herald - Line of Nokodemion
