(Redirected from OM – The Book of Books – The Book of Truth)

I should also mention that much of the other information and teaching provided with the co-operation of Eduard Meier has come from two advanced spirit "we-forms", who are beyond time and space and thus, so are their perspectives. This is further reason for the apparent timelessness and similarity of the spiritual teachings over the ages. (For instance, the we-form, known as Petale, which has delivered the 12 Commandments again, is the highest level of consciousness a spirit can attain before merging again with Creation.)

The OM contains "psalms", warnings, appeals, admonitions, teachings about marriage, sexual relationships, correctional measures and many other things including, of course, a canon devoted to how Creation came into existence.

Kanon 8:4
"Am Anfang war die Eiform der Shöpfungspirale, hervorgebracht durch de Idee der Urschöpfung.
5. Die Schöpfungsspirale war geistige Urform, winzig klein und nur von der Grösse eines Flohs.
6. In der Spirale aber rotierete und pulsierete die Geistenergieform der werdenden Schöpfung, gewaltig und ausdehnungsgewillet.
7. Die Energieform wuchs und wurde zur geballeten Kraft, und explodierete in grellstem Blitzefeuer.
8. Ein Sohar zwischen den zahllosen Universen des Absolutumraumes.

In the beginning was the egg-form of the Creation spiral, brought forth through the idea of the original Creation. The Creation spiral was spiritual original-form, tiny, and only the size of a flea.
But in the spiral rotated and pulsed the spirit energy form of the emerging Creation, forceful and willed towards expanding. The energy form grew and became a balled power and exploded in blazing lightning fire. A Zohar[4] between the countless universes of the absolute space...

https://www.futureofmankind.co.....uk/Billy_Meier/OM_- - by Vivienne Legg

Teaching of Truth, Teaching of the Energy of Creation, Teaching of Life
The 7 Heralds: Henoch (Enoch) → Elia (Elijah) → Jesaja (Isaiah) → Jeremia (Jeremiah) → Jmmanuel (Immanuel) → Muhammad (Mohammed) → Billy (BEAM)




Ban-Srut BEAM - Last Herald - Line of Nokodemion
