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In stark contrast to most, if not all of the twisted remnants of these teachings with which we have become familiar, are astonishingly beautiful sections which focus on nature, and how we can learn from observing it because it expresses the laws and directives of Creation and the creational spirit which is also within us.
Kanon 48:17
Der geistige Mensch sieht in der schöpferischen Schöpfung nicht nur das Angenehme und Nützliche, das Grosse and das Schöne.
18. Nein, denn er findet in dem ewigen und wundervollen Spiel der Natur eine Selbstoffenbarung der Schöpfung für sein Teilstück schöpferischen Geistes in sich.
The spiritual human sees in the creational Creation not only the pleasant and useful, the great and the beautiful. No, because he finds, in the eternal and wonderful play of nature, a self-manifestation of Creation for his fragment of Creational spirit in himself.
https://www.futureofmankind.co.....uk/Billy_Meier/OM_- - by Vivienne Legg
Teaching of Truth, Teaching of the Energy of Creation, Teaching of Life
The 7 Heralds: Henoch (Enoch) → Elia (Elijah) → Jesaja (Isaiah) → Jeremia (Jeremiah) → Jmmanuel (Immanuel) → Muhammad (Mohammed) → Billy (BEAM)
Ban-Srut BEAM - Last Herald - Line of Nokodemion