
Just been to a park with the kids. It’s about a 20 minute drive away from where I live.
We get there and find signs proclaiming ‘Eid in the Park’. A field has been set aside for ‘Eid in the Park’ guests. They can park for free.
Non Muslims have to park in the regular car park and pay.
People who look a little like me are outnumbered three to one. I walk the kids around in this very green, very English setting, and it’s an alien place. We are out of place. The toilets are in the most disgusting state I’ve ever seen at that park. I’m sure it’s merely coincidental.
Every day this country gives me multiple messages that as a white person of Christian background I’m unwanted and inferior. I am the past. I pay for things that the wanted get for free. I’m a bigot and an evil man if I ever dare say that I feel alienated by things like this.
And the most backward, primitive, murderous Iron Age religion on the planet is to be celebrated. I can’t take my kids to a park without this inverse apartheid, this modern pandering to the Other, being shoved down my throat.
Little things, maybe. You could almost call them micro-aggressions. But I ****ing hate what this country has become. It disgusts me. Every single day. And there’s not one single ‘Conservative’ who understands what I’m talking about, sympathises with it, or wouldn’t immediately shout leftist buzz words at me for talking this way. Not one.
Every one of them would say what a wonderful idea Eid in the Park is. How inclusive. What a wonderful statement of what modern Britain is. How revolting are people like me who don’t want celebrate Islam messages when they go for a walk. To those Tories, I’d be like Gillian Duffy was to Gordon Brown. That horrible bigot.
I’m supposed to be happy to be replaced. Only I’m not. ~ Daniel Jupp
