•• Y O U • A R E • N O T • A • H O S T A G E ••
Refuse to be taken hostage by your own mind.
Surround yourself with "can do" energy, with people and stories of people, who are actively seeking to create, imagine, reinvent, and change their lives. Develop a curiosity about your own limits.
Expand your mindset by reading something everyday that stretches your imagination and strengthens your spirit.
Move forward, go around, look ahead and stretch above your present circumstances.
They do not define you or own you.
✅ I will let go of any fear of failure and success.
✅ I will fully live my life so that I will continue to experience all the wonderful parts of my journey.
? Today is a day of NEW BEGINNINGS, new relationships and new steps to ELEVATE the best parts of WHO I AM! ???