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28 Members
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2 yrs

Project Veritas video exposing Pfizer can cause them untold damage,so spread it far & wide, so the world can awaken to the fraud of the vaccine industry & untold deaths & misery they cause,for ego driven profits & scant regard for Public Health https://t.me/jamiemcintyre/7417

2 yrs - Youtube

OMG everyone watch this video it's crazy unreal guitar playing and singing the absolutely best album I've ever heard trust me!!!
Check it out for yourself if ya don't believe me???

Victim of a modern age???

1Drill Sergeant
5Who I am
6Life dies
7Victim of a modern age???

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2 yrs

2 yrs

A note from an ABC TV News Editor
That's the Australian Broadcasting Company. It gives you some insights as to what happens when people in the news media want their network to cover what is going on.

Steve Kirsch
Sep 10

ABC DVD (Australia) - CLG Wiki
Australian Broadcasting Corporation
Hi Steve,

I’m a TV News editor and have watched your Interview with Maria Zeee.

I have been following the COVID lies closely over the past 2 years and have personally been affected by the Western Australia vaccine mandates when I myself refused to get the COVID vaccine. I have been an employee of ABC for 20 years.

Since our government mandates have dropped and I have been allowed to return to work, I have been emailing some journalists suggesting that they report on the thousands of vaccine injuries. I have sent them peer-reviewed studies, etc but with no response from our ABC journalists. I have been waiting for more hard evidence to present as everything else has so far been ignored.

If you have legitimate video then I feel I can present this to my peers or at least send it to specific investigative journalists or my managers. I am still unsure, but they may take this on.

© 2022 Steve Kirsch

Australian National Review

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2 yrs

2 yrs

Australian university conducts study on Twitter coverage of the Ukrainian war, examining over 5 million posts — their conclusion is that 60 to 80% of Twitter accounts posting on Russia-Ukraine war are bots, while 90% are unapologetically ‘pro Ukraine’

The full study: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2208.07038.pdf

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2 yrs

2 yrs

Truthbook.social would like to apologise for a brief outage today. As there was a surge in new users joining the system it caused some temporary server issues. Truthbook allows approximately 5000 users per month to join, soon increasing to 10,000 users per month. This is while the bugs get worked out during the soft launch period, before it Officially Launches in the start of 2023. They have chosen a slow steady growth cycle, to ensure long term functionality and continued improvements for users . We thank you for your patience and please keep sending in feedback on improvements, as it helps the team ensure a better user experience, which is critical to enabling more users to desert Fakebook, Instasham and ScrewTube and Twatter. Free speech and the truth must be defended, and only censor free social media can do that and Independent News networks.
